To say life on a farm is hectic would be an understatement, but would I change this life for anything? absolutely not! Ever since 2012 we have been working hard to make Candlarah into the home it is today. Our tree change from the Northern Beaches of Sydney was one of the biggest leaps we have ever made, my kids reactions sum it up perfectly; my daughters response "does this mean I can get a horse?!" and my sons *Bursts into tears*.
We were both nervous and excited and leapt upon a block of land that captivated our imagination and our hearts. The journey we have undertaken to build our block has forever transformed our family in the most soul building and enriching way possible. Our 100 acre paddock was over grown with sprawling lantana, overflowing with spindly re-growth and scattered with bracken that could engulf a human! But slowly (Pennington slowly approx 3.67 times faster than usual human pace as my husband and kids are like the duracel rabbit) we have transformed our land rejoicing in even a blade of kikuyu that has survived the 40 degree summers.
Looking back this journey has made me proud and I can't wait to share this with you.